“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
-Albert Einstein

At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies.
–John Chambers, Executive Chairman, CISCO

The digital transformation is not thinking about your IT.
It’s thinking about your business model.

Taking your clients perception of you to the next level with the Wheelhouse Enterprise Team

Most customers face pressure for cloud migration objectives

Customers are struggling with confusion due to too many options

Are you discussing DT, Risk Mitigation, Employee retention, security posture etc. with your client?

If not I can guarantee you someone else is.

Being confident in conversations, architecting solutions, while providing leading experts in the marketplace is not someone you can just hire.

Accelerate your vision with the right people at the table so your customers can make decisions with you instead of without you

Wheelhouse Journey



Understanding Potential Client:
Ensure all needed information is obtained from Lead Source and prepare Client Bio Summary. Gather additional insight into potential Client from existing industry relationships

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Engage & Discover:
Make initial contact with lead and qualify lead through full discovery.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Engage the proper expertise to discuss with Client.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions


Explore & Architect:
Explore all options and architect solutions.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions



Propose & Close

Present & Align Requirements:
Present solutions to potential Client. Obtain feedback and align requirements.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Service Provider


Propose & Present:
Prepare proposals based on aligned requirements and present to potential Client.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Service Provider

Selection Process:
Assist Client in determining the best fit for their requirements.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions


Negotiate & Close:
Finalize negotiations with selected service provider and close the deal.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Service Provider


Implement & Support

Contract Execution:
Review and finalize contract T&Cs and obtain Client signature.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Service Provider

Insure clean paperwork and proper handoff of executed contract and all required paperwork to Provider for project management & implementation of desired solution.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Service Provider

Client Onboarding:
Engage Client Onboarding Team of Service Provider to welcome new Client, host kickoff call for introductions to team and what to expect going forward, provide contact & escalation list of selected Provider and review next steps.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Service Provider

Lifecycle Support:
Engage Customer Support Team of Service Provider to support Client for all lifecycle support requests once initial implementation project is complete. This will include hands on support from the Provider for all subsequent orders, MACD’s, billing requests and trouble tickets as well as added value from the Wheelhouse Team to oversee support at key touch points.

Wheelhouse Virtual Solutions

Service Provider


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